Friday, 18 February 2011

n'e how

Ola amigos hi friends (the title is chines for hi) what languages do you no? i am not even sure i spelled Ne how right


  1. Ciao! Sto imparando litaliano.

    You spelled "hola" wrong, I only know because I used to spell it thast way, too :) I can say "hello" in a bunch of different languages:
    Ciao (Italian)
    Hola (Spanish)
    Bonjour (French)
    Hello (English O.O)
    Sup (Internet speak??)
    Aloha (Hawaiian)
    Ni hao (Chinese)
    Geia Sas (Greek)

    Those are languages that I am, or want to, learn! Except Chinese, I just wanted to say that one because 1. I knew how to say hello, and 2. Because you used it, and asked about spelling :)

  2. Ni Hao!

    Henhao on the blog!

    Shi Shi for following me!

    (I know more Chinese too... my sister's school has Chinese as a mandatory subject, and I'm taking it next year.)
